Animation has proven to be trickier for me than expected. The individual lessons and examples mostly make sense, but I think the challenges at the end have exposed that I didn’t learn enough about the programming side of animation as I should have. The challenge was to go back to the Flags app and apply […]
Month: May 2020
Long run today, up to 5 miles or 8.2-ish kilometres. My primary goal was to not run too quickly. Embrace the long, steady distance run. Mission accomplished. As usual, the first km wasn’t too fun as my body works out the kinks – I guess it’s okay to use that time as my warmup but […]
Another fun project, this time called WordScramble. You’re given an 8-letter word and are tasked with finding as many unique words as you can based on the letters in your assigned root word. From a Swift(UI) perspective it involved a List, TextField and Alert – pretty straightforward things now. More interesting were the aspects of importing […]
Challenge day with the app today. First two parts (changing VStack to Section and Stepper to Picker) were pretty straightforward, at least when I snuck a peak at some code and documentation. The third part, about taking the recommended bed time out of the alert and displaying it with large text was pretty easy as […]
Pace day, a day late went fairly well. I think I ran too fast – averaged 5:00/km – definitely not a pace that I could maintain for a half marathon at this point. Though I’m not sure I could maintain any pace for 21km right now. Today I ran the reverse of yesterday’s route, probably a better […]
After a rough night of sleep (mostly thanks to Frank), I didn’t feel up to my scheduled run at race pace. I still did manage to get in a run. I took a new route, starting near the cemetery entrance, heading east to Roehampton Gate on Sawyer’s Hill toward Richmond Gate and then back toward […]
Another day of building an app via copy and paste. It’s a quick way to get exposed to new things and cover ground but not quite as good for learning. That said, the BetterRest app has a fairly straightforward form frontend that plugs into a machine learning algorithm to return a suggested time that the […]
Aside – I’ve got to find an easier way to reference which day I’m talking about. Felt good to get out for a run today – hadn’t run since early on Saturday. I chose a mostly downhill run, heading from Richmond Gate down toward Ham Gate on the main road, returning on the dirt trail. Of course […]
100 Days of Swift UI – Day 26
Today felt like quite a change of pace. Starting at the end, we just finished with a look at Machine Learning. It’s something that I’ve been familiar with for ages, but haven’t dug into. Looking forward to seeing the next steps there and seeing how easily I might be able to use it for a […]
Loads of review material, fortunately handled through an app project rather than quizzes. The premise for the app was simple enough: Each turn of the game the app will randomly pick either rock, paper, or scissors. Each turn the app will either prompt the player to win or lose. The player must then tap the […]