
100 Days of Swift UI – Days 32, 33, 34 – Animation

Animation has proven to be trickier for me than expected. The individual lessons and examples mostly make sense, but I think the challenges at the end have exposed that I didn’t learn enough about the programming side of animation as I should have.

The challenge was to go back to the Flags app and apply some fairly straightforward animations onto the flags when you get a guess right/wrong. It took me ages to even get the basics on an animation on-screen and when I did, it didn’t work as expected. I could apply a single animation to all flags at once, but not a single one, which was the intention. I had to find some help via forums to get things sorted out. Looking at the examples, again, makes sense – I’m quite proficient at tearing things apart and re-building to suit my needs, but I’m not yet at a place with Swift where I can confidently write code that I know will work. Patience and practice I suppose.

These lessons represent the 1/3 point for the 100 days. I’ve learned a lot, but clearly need to spend more time working with Swift to get my confidence up. Looking forward to seeing what’s ahead as the course gets tougher.


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