Yesterday was a day of conscious speed – or at least pace control. Today felt like a day of unconscious speed. I know that’s the point of pace runs, but it’s still nice to feel the benefits. Overall, I know that I’m still slow, but after a week or two of puttering along close to 6:00/km, […]
Month: June 2020
4 mile race pace run today. Reasonably early start for me, heading out of the house just after 7am, walking up through the cemetery to start near the Sheen Common (?) gate. With a light warmup along the way, I was more ready to start at pace than I usually am. I set my goal […]
I ran a true out and back today, heading down Queen’s road for 2.4km before turning around and running back, up the hill, in the opposite direction. Seemed straightforward enough as I didn’t feel like spending too much energy in trying to get creative. The run itself was fine – I’m noticing a recurring trend of […]
After two months out of work, I returned to the (home based) workforce this week. That’s given me more time than I’d like on the computer, so I’ve cut back on outside of hours computer time, meaning this is a single update for the entire week. Three mid-week runs and one long run this week. […]