Running / Training

Half marathon training – week 4, run 2

4 mile race pace run today. Reasonably early start for me, heading out of the house just after 7am, walking up through the cemetery to start near the Sheen Common (?) gate. With a light warmup along the way, I was more ready to start at pace than I usually am.

I set my goal of maintaining a 5:15/km pace and was pretty successful at maintaining it, even through the hills. The final ~2km along Queen’s Road is uphill. It’s a challenge to keep the pace up there, but I did alright.

I used my watch’s Pace Alert system for the first time today. I was a bit underwhelmed but it did seem to help. It would notify you the moment your went +0:01 above or below your target pace. At one point I was running about 15 seconds quicker than my target, but I didn’t get any subsequent messages – just a single message when I first started going too fast. I don’t want something constantly pestering me, but an extra nudge might help.

Next up, 3 miles tomorrow and then 7 on Saturday.

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