The nature of the course has definitely changed, moving into a more practical approach. The days don’t seem to be equally weighted – the introduction day is quite light in material and actions. The app and challenge day is action oriented and more intense with quite a light wrap-up day to cement the knowledge.
That said, while I’m still largely just lifting code from the screen and putting it into my own app in Xcode, it still feels good to build something that I can run in a simulator or on my own phone.
I’ve heard the message several times now, but it’s starting to sink in that one of the big differences that I need to embrace is that Swift views are always a reflection of program state. Triggering an alert feels like a complicated ordeal now, but I’m trusting that it will make more sense. Coming from the era of web development where the biggest shift was from desktop software with state to the web being completely stateless. My career has largely been around designing and building stateless experiences … or rather designing and building software that tries to mask the stateless infrastructure that underpins the experience. It’s nice to be working in a world with state, but after 20+ years of statelessness, it’s going to take a bit of time for this to feel completely natural.