Running / Training

Half marathon training

It’s not quite 100 days, but a 12-week half marathon training regimen is close enough. I’ve started the Hal Higdon Novice 2 half marathon training program to help give my fitness a boost. I’ve been running off and on during the COVID-19 lockdown period and have generally been enjoying it, but I’ve been running without […]


100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 19 – Challenge 1

I’m quite happy that things are finally real now. The first challenge was to build upon what we learned in Day 18 with the WeSplit app and build our own conversion app. I chose to create a Simple Converter app that takes a value from the user along with a unit (kg, lbs, st) and […]


100 Days of SwiftUI – Days 15, 16, 17 and 18

Finally. After two weeks of fundamentals, review and preparation, I finally got started with writing some code after completing four lessons today. Granted it was for the fairly straightforward WeSplit app which simply performs a few calculations, but nevertheless, it felt good. Before taking this course I had completed Apple’s SwiftUI tutorials – I really enjoyed […]


100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 14 – Consolidation Day 2

Another consolidation day done – I’m liking these. While I’m missing writing code and learning new concepts, I’m sure that I’ll be back into that quite soon. For now, it’s just nice to have some cementing of knowledge happening. Something that I previously found a bit confusing but makes sense now – and that (instructor) Paul refers […]


100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 13 – Consolidation Day 1

Today’s recap made me feel smart – I like that feeling. Not the highest bar as this was reviewing some coding fundamentals and not a lot of deep Swift knowledge, but it does confirm that I’ve learned a few things over the last couple of weeks. References Day 13 –


100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 12 – Optionals

Another head-spinning day. In isolation, everything makes sense but there was a lot of content today – though it’s a bit hard to say that 9 minutes of video is a lot – and some confusing terminology to keep me guessing. For example, force unwrapping, nil coalescing and failable initialisers to name three. I anticipate that I’ll be […]


SwiftUI Day 11 of 100 – Protocols and extensions

Protocols are quite new to me but immediately made sense. After taking a few days off from the course, my brain felt strangely fresh and responsive to new information. Like some of the other recent topics, I’m looking forward to seeing how these work out in practice, but there were some simple but interesting examples […]


SwiftUI Day 10 of 100 – Classes

Classes and structs are different, but confusingly similar. With context and practical examples, I’m sure I’ll see more of a difference, but at this point, I’m not entirely sure when I’d use one vs the other. I’m still very much itching for practical uses of this stuff – I’m getting pretty tired of writing code like […]


SwiftUI Day 9 of 100 – Structs (part 2)

I have to admit that this session was tough to get motivated for – did it more because I felt that I should continue making headway rather than because I wanted to. Some important material in there – some new, some review. Hoping that the upcoming consolidation days will help cement some of my newfound knowledge. It’s […]


SwiftUI Day 8 of 100 – Structs (part 1)

With closures in the rear view mirror, it was time for something different today – structs. Definitely more straightforward than closures, but a tired brain still tripped me up on the post-lesson questions. Definitely more wrong answers tonight than any previous night – got caught up multiple times on let vs var. Sure would be helpful to […]