
100 Days of Swift UI – Day 27 – BetterRest

Another day of building an app via copy and paste. It’s a quick way to get exposed to new things and cover ground but not quite as good for learning. That said, the BetterRest app has a fairly straightforward form frontend that plugs into a machine learning algorithm to return a suggested time that the […]

Running / Training

Half marathon training – week 2, run 1

Aside – I’ve got to find an easier way to reference which day I’m talking about. Felt good to get out for a run today – hadn’t run since early on Saturday. I chose a mostly downhill run, heading from Richmond Gate down toward Ham Gate on the main road, returning on the dirt trail. Of course […]


100 Days of Swift UI – Day 26

Today felt like quite a change of pace. Starting at the end, we just finished with a look at Machine Learning. It’s something that I’ve been familiar with for ages, but haven’t dug into. Looking forward to seeing the next steps there and seeing how easily I might be able to use it for a […]


100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 25 – Consolidation II – Rock, Paper, Scissors app

Loads of review material, fortunately handled through an app project rather than quizzes. The premise for the app was simple enough: Each turn of the game the app will randomly pick either rock, paper, or scissors. Each turn the app will either prompt the player to win or lose. The player must then tap the […]

Running / Training

Half marathon training day 4

Up early-ish this morning for my long run – it’ll be the shortest of my long runs, just 4 miles (6.5 km). There was quite a strong headwind, which I was able to avoid until the final 2km – running up through the Pen Ponds on gravel. Probably not my best choice, but what can you do. […]

Running / Training

Running Log

Running log for Spring/Summer 2020 half marathon training program. See training plan. Date Distance Pace/km Feeling 19th May 4.8km 6:08 Sluggish 20th May 4.8km 5:45 Sweaty, determined 21st May 4.8km 5:31 Sunny run in the shade 23rd May 6.5km 5:37 Regretted the uphill finish into a headwind 26th May 4.8km 5:24 Fast and free (on […]


100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 23

Today was a good day, though I’m not entirely sure that I could summarise what I learned. But I guess I should try. SwiftUI uses structs rather than classes and that seems to make for a huge performance benefit. That’s good. There are loads of modifiers available to use for views and the order that […]


100 Days of SwiftUI – Guess the Flag (days 20, 21, 22)

The nature of the course has definitely changed, moving into a more practical approach. The days don’t seem to be equally weighted – the introduction day is quite light in material and actions. The app and challenge day is action oriented and more intense with quite a light wrap-up day to cement the knowledge. That said, […]

Running / Training

Half marathon training day #3

Another day, another 3 mile (4.8k) training run today. We’re still experiencing a London heatwave so my midday run was in the sun and about 25°C. I managed to find tree cover for much of the cross-country run and had a little fun exploring some trails that I hadn’t run on before. That’s getting harder […]

Running / Training

Running days 1 and 2

Two days into the half marathon training plan (3 if you count Monday’s rest day) and I’m off to a good start. Back to back 3 mile (4.8km) runs have gone off without a hitch. London is having a bit of a UK heatwave with temperatures hitting the mid 20s so it is a bit […]