
SwiftUI Day 7 of 100 – Closures (part 2)

I don’t know what else to say. My head is spinning. I get this closure stuff in principle but I really need to see it in practice to figure out how it actually works. References Day 7 – Closures summary –


SwiftUI Day 6 of 100 – Closures (part 1)

Today started with a warning that closures could be a bit confusing and are something that a lot of people find hard to understand. Probably an apt warning. The examples shown are easy enough to follow in isolation, but didn’t come with an explanation of why they exist or how they’re best used in Swift […]


Why 100 Days of SwiftUI?

I’m writing this after my fifth day of progress in the 100 Days of SwiftUI online course offered by Paul Hudson. But why – why am I doing this and why now?


SwiftUI Day 5 of 100 – Functions, parameters and errors

So many kinds of functions. Oh, the possibilities. A staple in any language, Swift doesn’t disappoint. All of the standard stuff that I’d expect with a few things that I didn’t, like variatic functions and inout. Concepts are familiar but the terminology is new to me. Good stuff overall. References Day 5 – Summary […]


SwiftUI Day 4 of 100 – Looping

A few familiar themes tonight – the concept of looping is obviously common across every language, but some of the syntax in Swift is unique. Also familiar is that my late night approach to taking the tests following the videos leads to me making sloppy mistakes. Perhaps I should adjust my coronavirus lockdown schedule to allow […]


SwiftUI Day 3 of 100 – Operators and conditions

Three days in a row and I’m still here. I felt a bit sharper today and was able to navigate most of the information without too many surprises. Loads of overlap here with most other languages I’ve worked with, which helps. Conditionals without parentheses do look a bit strange to me – it’ll take some getting […]


SwiftUI Day 2 of 100 – Complex data types

I’m back for a second day. That’s something, right? In my programming experience, I’ve never encountered the word tuple before. The concept is somewhat familiar, as it seems a bit like PHP’s key/value pairings within arrays – though I guess that’s more closely related to a dictionary in Swift. I’m not sure I can clearly articulate the […]


Hello, SwiftUI!

I’ve begun the 100 days of SwiftUI. Today is day 1, Simple Types. Impressed with the amount and quality of content that author/creator Paul Hudson has put online for free. Impressive. Fortunately most the of the first day material is review for me, but I did learn that you can do multi-line strings in code […]